Imager Smart thermal imaging core with computer vision

The HemaVision is an intelligent diagnostic thermal imager that includes the components of the Hema-Imager and adds a high-performance quad-core computing processor, a touchscreen display and a visible light camera for image fusion and computer vision tasks. The HemaVision platform also includes computer vision software to enable the advanced automatic diagnosis of problems.

The Hema-Imager is a WiFi thermal camera we are also offering as a separate pledge that you can use to stream thermal images to a browser in any WiFi-connected computer, smartphone or tablet. Use it as a node in your internet-of-things project, as security cameras in your home or other building, or as an affordable and radiometric thermal imager when combined with a smartphone.

If you want both devices, simply pledge for one of the two devices, and add the pledge level amount for the other device to your pledge, and you will receive both devices when they ship at the same time! If you are pledging within the early bird period, add the early bird pledge amount to your pledge for the other device. Don’t worry, we will be tracking pledges to make sure people who back early will get the discount!

So why are we working with thermal imaging? Thermal imaging is like a sixth sense that lets you see more in the world around you. The first step in solving a problem is understanding what the problem is. The HemaVision is an open-source advanced thermal imaging device that helps you diagnose a situation to understand if there is a problem within your buliding, equipment or manufacturing process. We have experience in building a WiFi-modularized thermal imaging core that we will be using inside the HemaVision, and we know this thermal imaging core alone can be useful for many people, which is why we are also offering this thermal imaging core alone, as the Hema-Imager.

This article comes from kickstarter edit released

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